“The Talking To Animals” book tour ended on a lovely and gracious note Friday evening at the Northshire Bookstore, we had a full and engaged house, and a 90-minute conversation about animals and their future in our world. My book tour was short and sweet, five readings, great crowds in all but one, my hometown.
Life is curious that way, you just never know. I had a great evening, and it was the perfect way to close off the book tours, such as they are any longer. Publishers have pretty much opted out of promoting all but a few of their books, and I’m afraid I was no exception.
I am especially fond of this book, I think it is timely and important.
We are losing all of the domesticated and wild animals of the world to climate change, development, poaching and the animal rights movement. And we are emotionalizing our pets beyond reason. We had a great talk about it.
I’m grateful to have written the book and also grateful that there are still bookstores in the world that can fill seats like this with book lovers.
I thank those of you who bought the book or followed my writings. If you wish you can order it through my local bookstore, Battenkill Books and I will be happy to sign and personalize it. They take Paypal and major credit cards.
I am now working on my next book, “Gus And The Big And Small Lessons Of Bedlam Farm.” I’m getting up early and loving it. I’m also tired, and heading to bed. Thanks for supporting my work.