The retreat for some of the refugee children from RISSE, the refugee immigrant and support center, began at 2:30 Tuesday when a van pulled in with the first wave of children. Some more are coming tomorrow. Scott and Lisa Carrino, the co-owners of the Pompanuck Farm Institute and Retreat Center, gathered the kids in the second floor of the Round House, for a welcoming ceremony “opening circle,” where we all explained what will happen this week.
Scott and Lisa explained Pompanuck, and went over safety and other issues that the kids needed to know. Ali drove the kids here and is spending the night with them in the yurt. There is much love and community in this group, they have seen a lot and been through a lot. This is great experience for them.
After the circle, Scott and Ali and I led the kids up to the big yurt where they will all be sleeping tonight on sleeping bags on the edge of the beautiful woods and forests that surround Pompanuck. All the animals – Gus, Red and Fate – were invited into the center of the circle, and were happy to be cuddled and petted repeatedly.
Gus sat in Scott’s lap, and was then passed around and loved by everyone. It is a gift to have dogs who enter into the spirit of events like this. The children love having them their, the favor is returned. Fate was born to run around with young kids.
Maria and I are heading back to Pompanuck tonight for an opening dinner. Tomorrow, Maria is leading a hike, I’m running a story-telling class, a friend is teaching movement and exercise for young athletes, a young local musician is coming to help the RISSE singers and musicians, and on Thursday, a popular Vermont artist is coming to teach drawlng and illustration.
This evening, we will sit by a roaring fire when it gets dark, I’m reading a short and scary story, there will be roasted marshmallows and singing.
This is just a beautiful thing to be a part of, and once again, I thank the angel Helen who made this possible. The Army of Good, it seems, is powerful and everywhere. I am so happy to be a part of this, I will post updates and photos. The retreat runs until Thursday after lunch.
It is so much better to do good than to live in fear and anger and worry about what good is.