I believe sometimes that Red is a saint living in a dog’s body. Gus is in love with him now, poor Red (he went through this with Fate) and he chases Red’s tail and tries to bite it, while Red lies still and patiently.
This morning, Gus decided to lick the moisture off of Red’s fur after he came out of the pasture, and Red just stool still and didn’t seem to notice. Fate on the other hand, is rattled by Gus, and is contemplating ways to destroy him.
She avoids him when he comes near, stares at him as he moves around, and has gathered every boy and bone in the house – she hides them often – into a pile underneath the dining room table and guards them.
She is easing up a bit and letting Gus come near her for a minute or two, then she moves. I think she doesn’t know what he is and is waiting for him to go away.
Red, on the other hand, is Gus’s security blanket, she sometimes curls up next to him and hides behind him when Fate is too close. They will work it out, dogs always do, but I appreciate Red’s graciousness. It makes life so much easier, for us, for Gus.