Many people don’t know that donkeys are guard animals, they protect farms and sheep and livestock from predators and stray dogs, when something strange comes into the pasture, their ears go back, they lower their heads and they charge. They can kill a dog with a stomp. Since I got Lulu and Fanny, no coyote or fox or stray dog has harmed a single one of our sheep or lambs, and they are all around us.
Yesterday, we showed Gus to the donkeys for the first time, today, we took him out to the pasture with us, and we gave Lulu the time the needed to make a thorough and detailed security check. That takes about 20 minutes. Lulu, who is the most protective of the donkeys, sniffs every single part of the intruder, she sees that Gus is with us and she trusts Maria completely.
Gus responded by sniffing Lulu back and staying calm (although wisely protected). At one point, he leaned forward and licked Lulu on the nose. We were quiet and patient, giving Lulu the time she needs to feel okay about Gus being in the pasture. Yesterday, it looked like she wasn’t so sure.
Today, she finished her security check and walked away with Fanny to graze. We will be cautious with her and Gus for another month or so, but once Lulu has satisfied herself, it will be apparent, we have seen it before with every dog we have gotten, and she has never harmed one of them.
This is case where one needs to listen to the animal and let them work it out, without our shouting or being nervous or intervening. Gus was totally safe, he is no fool, and Lulu would never be aggressive around Maria. It was a good encounter. Soon, and once she realizes that he lives there, Lulu will pay Gus no mind.
Fanny sniffed Gus once, and was bored by him.