Connie was delighted to see Gus, but quickly asked for Red. “Where is he?” I thought it best to just have one dog today, since Gus was new, Connie is loyal to Red and I assured her he will be back shortly and regularly. Gus did well though, and so is Connie.
We have talked to her several times about the importance of getting up, as has the staff, for her back and breathing, and a therapist came and helped her to start taking short walks. I promised to come and walk with her and Red so she is up and walking again, going even further than the therapist suggested, I think.
This was wonderful to see, it was so hard for her to stand.
Her new medication arrived, and is working, and I was much relieved to see her looking much brighter and more comfortable. She will be knitting again soon, I think. I can’t – there are not words – tell you how much your cards and letters and photographs mean to her, she has a huge stack next to her chair and she showed us one from Belgium this morning, along with messages from every part of the country.
She loves reading them to Maria and me.
Connie could hardly believe the stack, about a foot high now. The staff says the letters are essential in her fighting back from a tough week and keeping her spirits and drive high. You are angels come to serve an Army Of Good, you have helped enormously.
Maria and I are taking her for a walk with Red tomorrow, if you can keep the cards and letters coming that would be great. Your Fourth of July gifts and messages are beginning to arrive, that is also wonderful. You have transformed the whole meaning of holidays for these people.
There is much conflict and mean-spiritedness in the air, you have cut through that with your big hearts and empathy. There is nothing harder for these people than to feel forgotten and left behind, and you have transformed that for them.
I have a new and updated listed of Mansion residents who would love to receive your letters, all at this address: The Mansion, 11 S. Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
Bruce, Allan, Sylvie, Jean, John Z., Tim, John, Alanna, Peggie, Ellen, Joan, Brenda, Connie, Alice, Madeline, Mary, Barbara, William, Brother Peter, Diane, Helen, Jane, Dottie, Anita, Richard, Gerry, Charlotte, Arthur, Shirley, Robert.
I am certain Gus will work well as a therapy dog, an exciting day for him, for us. For you all, thank you and bless you for showing so many people how much good there is in human beings, when they are given the chance. You are our better angels.