I love almost all of Ed Gulley’s junk art, and the Tin Man has just blown both of us away, but I am also drawn to a smaller piece of Ed’s called “Flowers,” it is $60, and there is something original about this industrial rendering of flowers, all from farm tractor parts. If I bought this, it would go right next to my muse on my desk, I think it would lift me up as I wrote.
Ed is offering it for sale at our Open House this weekend.
I have ethical reservations about buying stuff before anyone has a chance to see it or buy it. I have lots of Gulley pieces. So I will give anyone out there a chance to buy it first (this one would be fairly easy to ship) and also give the visitors to the Open House a day to buy it if they like. If I’m meant to have it, I will. If anybody out there wants to buy it or hold it for them, you can e-mail maria at [email protected].
Ed is coming with “Silly Sally,” a cow who is especially friendly. Can’t wait to see how Fate deals with her. I had this thought of bringing Leroy the puppy to the Open House, but I think it’s too early – he’s only six weeks old and hasn’t had all of his shots. I called Cassandra at the Cambridge Valley Vet, who is both experienced and direct, and she said “don’t do it.” So I won’t.