Two formidable women, Goddesses both, are considering a joint creative project, crochet and fabric, a wall hanging perhaps. Someone sent Connie some patterns for knitting fish, and Connie is figuring out what to do with it. Maria has proposed a wall hanging that the two of the create together.
Maria is excited about it, Connie is thinking it over, she is always careful about undertaking projects, then quite often plunges in.
There was another connection happening in Connie’s room (you can see the air conditioner you all bought for her, the white stand in the rear of her room, it has made it possible for her to work again.)
Connie and Red have formed a powerful attachment. When Red was sick, Connie was also sick, she had to be evacuated by ambulance to another facility because of breathing problems, she was returned a day later. She and Red have not seen each other in a while, their re-union today was long and heartfelt.
Red is so at ease with Connie, they have made a soul connection.
Connie rubbed his back, brushed him, held his head in her arms and talked with him. He drank it up. Then Maria came up with this joint idea. I hope it happens, I think it will, these two strong and creative women love talking art with one another, why not make something together.
But you know how it is with strong and creative women. Nobody, least of all me can tell them what to do or would dare to try.