The residents of the Mansion Assisted Care Facility rarely get to see babies, so I asked Emma if she would mind bringing Robin to the Mansion for a few minutes, and she graciously agreed. I think there are few things that brighten the days there more than seeing babies.
We walked the hallways and greeted some of the staff and we then went to see Connie – working to get rid of stys in her eyes this week. She was happy to meet Robin and talk to her a bit, and eager to check on Red and his health. We are re-scheduling her visit to the farm when there is a sunny day or two.
The Mansion is family to me, it is an integral part of my community. Robin did a lot of good walking through the hallways there.
Medicine prides itself on keeping people alive, sometimes beyond reason, but takes no responsibility for how they live. The residents of facilities like the Mansion are cut off from almost everything they know and love. They especially miss being around the young.
It seems like such a small thing to walk a baby through a hallway there, but it is a very big thing. I was happy to be able to do it. I told the residents in the dining room that we are thinking of getting another dog, a puppy named Leroy. If we do get him, I promised, he will begin training for therapy work at the Mansion, along with Red, the day after we take him home.