We took Robin out to meet the donkeys early Friday morning.
It was cold and rainy, and Lulu and Fanny, sweet and gentle as ever, came over to sniff her carefully and deliberately. it was anti-climactic, Robin didn’t react to them much and they soon walked away to eat some grass.
I thought the donkeys might affect her more intensely, but that didn’t happen, at least not yet. She will find her own interests on the farm, or not, and she is just nine months old. I’ve learned from my work with dogs and other animals to not project my own interests and emotions onto other living things.
She might love the donkeys, she might not. She is only nine months old.
Robin and Fate formed a very strong bond, and we haven’t yet had a day dry and sunny enough to explore the farm.
This weekend continues Saturday, when the 16 members of the RISSE soccer team come to the farm. Lots of people in the town want to participate in the upcoming trips when 100 kids from the RISSE refugee center in Albany come to visit the farm over the summer.
Our friend Mandy, a massage therapist, is coming to talk to them about stress and relaxation, in body and mind.
Treasure Wilkinson is coming with two of her baby goats. We will do some sheepherding and open up Maria’s studio, then go to Pompanuck Farm for some pizza, and then to Ed and Carol Gulley’s Bejosh Farm.
A full day, an important day, a trial run for the dozen or so visits by refugee children planned for the summer. I am hoping to show that the refugees and immigrants coming to America are not all dangerous people coming her to harm us. They ought not be punished or demonized for the mad acts of a few.
The more I get to see them and know, the more I see the truth of this awful distortion of the truth about them. For me, this journey begins in earnest tomorrow. I hope they have a good time.
I thank you good people who have supported our trip to the Great Escape Adventure Park, the kid’s art and creativity kits, the soccer team, the Saturday summer excursions and birthday parties. You are doing good and changing lives.