Red is in his second week of recovery, we are taking it easy, but he seems himself to me. A good test is to see his reaction when I just say “sheep.” When I said the word a week and a half ago, he barely moved. When I said it today, his eyes got wide and his ears went up.
It’s much better than a thermometer.
The healers like to talk about Chi, and Reds Chi – his life energy – was very evident. He needs more rest, but is getting stronger by the day. I sat on the grass and he came over and put his head on my chess and we just lay there together for awhile. I am getting stronger too, Red can do that.
We are visiting the Mansion in short bursts, but he isn’t going much of anywhere else for now. I’m not taking him to Oblong books in Rhineback Tuesday night (I have a reading there at 6 p.m.), I think the driving and book reading is still a bit much for him.
But this photo tells me Red is coming back strong, and that is good news. He’ll be on anti-biotics for about three more weeks. I’m not letting him run much, but he looks great. A time to be patient, he is still very much recovering.