Red is on a drastically curtailed work schedule – no running, sitting out in the sun. But I want him to feel like a working dog for a bit every day,I believe it is central to his health. Every morning, when we enter the pasture, Liam, Red’s nemesis and a wether, (neutered ram) stands his ground and thinks about challenging Red.
OnceĀ or twice, Liam has even come up and butted Red. He usually regrets doing this. But he likes to make a stand and Red looks for him every morning and gives him one of his withering looks. Most morning, Liam backs down, as he did this morning. If he doesn’t, Red takes a nip at his nose.
I believe Red needs this work, it is central to him.
It’s good quick, work and Red puffs up like a dragon, I believe this will urge his body to cooperate and get well.