She has a name – Summer – and she wants to live in the Mansion, an assisted care facility in the town of Cambridge, N.Y. The Mansion residents want to her to live there, and I have agreed to help. This should be a pleasant task for the Army Of Good.
I wrote the other day about this as yet unnamed female stray that has adopted the Mansion, crept in at night to sleep on Connie’s bed, charmed the residents and the staff, and touched off the usual Internet firestorm. Sometimes, she appears on a sofa where the residents are sitting, or on a porch chair outside.
After I posted the story on the blog, all sorts of people contacted the Mansion from everywhere, offering plentiful advice and concern, including the man who took her in before she ended up at the Mansion.
It’s a long story, but the staff has figured out her entire history.
A local man found her on the street, took her in and he realized she had kittens beneath his porch. He was driving her to the vet and stopped for coffee, she got out of his car and made her way to the Mansion, a mile away. She is very happy there, she roams the grounds in the day time and slithers in when she can.
The very nice man says he is keeping the kitten but he can’t keep her.
We have temporarily named the cat Summer (Connie did, that is.)
Connie, Queen of the Mansion, would like her to stay. Many people from all over have called or e-mailed to check on her, she is very sweet and social. Legally, the Mansion can take her in, but there is one issue: one of the residents has cat allergies.
The doctors all say it would be safe if they vacuumed and brushed her, and have given the okay to adopting her, but the resident has to agree. He is thinking about it. Obviously, the Mansion will not take any risks with the health of the residents. I imagine he might be persuaded.
Saturday, the staff is chipping in to get Summer to the vet in nearby Hoosick Falls to be spayed and get her blood work and shots. It will cost them $200 if there are no problems. They don’t make much money working at the Mansion, and I’d love to pick up the vet costs.
If I can raise $200 from the Army Of Good, the staff and I will make up the rest.
Summer has a very good chance of staying at the Mansion, the staff is already plotting how to brush her, keep the place clean, and keep her a way from the allergic resident, who is in a room away from the main floor.
I think it can happen if she gets a clean bill of health. If that doesn’t work out, the Mansion staff – Morgan and Mandi in particular – have found someone who will take Summer in and give her a good and safe home.
But I believe she belongs there. She’s a doll and they love her. This is a practical decision, and the Mansion administrators will have to make it with the best interests of the patients in mind. I am content to leave them to make that decision, I know they will make the right one.
Summer crept into Connie’s room one night and slept on the bed with her. She has regular residents she visits and she often hangs out on the porch. No one can figure out how she gets inside or sees her come and go. Having been through this with barn cats, we all know if she wants to get in, she will find a way.
So if you wish to help, you can send a check to Summer Fund, c/o Bedlam Farm, 2502 State Route 22, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816 or to Paypal via Friends And Family (my ID is [email protected]). I think some small amounts ought to do it, the Army of Good is growing bigger by the day. Please note the money is for the Summer Cat Fund. And thanks. This is truly fun, it always feels better to do good than to argue about doing good.
(My next project for the Mansion is to help them purchase six outdoor plastic chairs and a light table so they can have picnics and activities outside. It is hot in there. But that’s after the cat.)