People care about animals, and cat lovers are an intensely loyal group. I especially loved this fund-raising effort to pay for Summer’s vet bill this weekend as she is spayed and given blood tests to make sure she is healthy. The money came in very quickly, and one of the sweetest things about it was that most of it can in small amounts – $5, $10, and just a few minutes ago, some $2 contributions.
For some reason, those mean a great deal. We will go over the $200 requested, and that is almost surely a good thing, because that is an estimate, and it could easily go higher, and if my own experience is any indicator, it will. I discussed this with Morgan at the Mansion today and she requested that any overage go into a Summer credit account at the vet, so that her future care will be covered.
This is, I think, one of the very good things about this kind of support. If a lot of people give small amounts, we get there quickly. It is the most democratic form of community building I have ever seen. It is a gift to be a part of it.
I’ll bring a check to the Mansion tomorrow. It’s not absolutely clear where Summer will end up, but this vet care will go a long way towards insuring that she is healthy if she comes, and spayed as well. One resident has some health concerns, but the staff is talking with doctors about it and they will do what is best for all concerned. Summer has a great home to go if necessary.
My guess is she will stay there, she has already connected with a number of the residents, slept in bed (on the sly) with a couple and keeps people company when they sit on the porch.
I loved this story and this fund-raising effort, the Army Of Good has racked up another win for compassion and empathy, and this one seemed filled with joy. I loved reading the messages that came in with your donations. This afternoon, I went to Albany to talk to RISSE (refugee and immigration support) staffers about helping some of the individual students who are interested in art or special studies. I think I have found some teachers who will tutor them for free.
I also brought Red in to visit the exercise class quickly, he did a quick circuit around the room. Peggie was very relieved to see him, we visited Connie in her cool and comfortable air-conditioned room, she is cranking out caps for dialysis patients at local hospitals.
A good day for the Mansion, I think, and your letters and messages continue to come in, which is wonderful. Those do as much as any other kind of gift. Thanks much for helping Summer, I think you have brightened some lives once more.