The New Round House Cafe is just a week or so away from opening in its new home next door in the town’s historic Hubbard Hall Theater and arts complex. This is the site of the old Cambridge General Store, and the shelves and floors and celings are beautiful and evocative.
Last Friday, Scott and Lisa Carrino held a jazz and pizza night behind their new home, and half the town turned out. Lisa and Scott have struggled for years to bring a cafe with good and healthy food to our community, and the New Round House is a triumph.
People from all over the country have supported this struggle to save community in one small town, community is under siege all over America from government neglect, economic policy, box stores and the great migration from farms to the cities, of people and of jobs.
People in town donated money, time and muscle to getting this space ready, it will be worth it. I think the space alone will be a destination for people.
The Round House is a might victory for community, the New Round House Cafe also is a celebration of history. It is a warm and beautiful space, and in the rear is a new and full kitchen with a big cold storage room. Lisa Carrino is planning a unique food and crafts store, the store will fill those beautiful shelves.
Once the room is cleaned up a bit this week, Scott and Lisa will bring in coffee and muffins, and in a week or so, the full cafe will open.
Hubbard Hall’s beautiful old stage is right upstairs, theatergoers will enter the theater through the cafe. This space has been empty since the general store closed, and it is exciting to see it filled up with people and activity again. This town has fought hard for its community, and many of us miss the Round House, even though I love cooking.
I am not as good at it as the Round House is. I’ll keep taking photos this week as the new opening date looms. And thanks for your support.