I went to see Red in the hospital, his temperature is down to 103.8, it was considerably higher this morning. Dogs have warmer body temperatures than humans, the normal temperature range for a dog is 101 to 102.5. Hopefully, the temperature will come down this afternoon.
Red has many friends and admirers, many people are pleading with me for updates, and I am happy to oblige, I understand that he is not only my dog and Maria’s dog, but a part of him belongs to everyone. It is hard for me to see him so sick and hard to leave him in the hospital, but it helps me to write about it and I can visit him as often as I I want.
I know he feels easier when I am there, and Red has helped so many other people to feel good, it is the least I can do for him.
They love Red at the hospital, and they tolerate me and my camera. I’m going to talk with Dr. Karen Thompson shortly, the wonderful breeder who gave Red to me. I called the Mansion to let them know about it – they had, as I feared, seen the blog – and to reassure the residents that Red was getting the best care and would be back at work when he is well.
It feels as if Red is a part of me sometimes, I could sense his sickness, as he can sense mine sometimes. When I am sick, he will not leave my side, and I’d like to do the same for him.
He is very much loved there. And here, too. More later.