I missed Kelly and her smile. The Bog was closed last week for some kitchen renovations, and it was good to see her tonight.
The Bog is an idiosyncratic and much loved place, the owner Pat does things his own way and people love the place.
One of his quirks is keeping the big wood stove burning hot even when it is 80. Tonight the Bog was full of diners, the bar full of drinkers. Kelly was alone, working in a very warm room all by herself, tending bar, waiting tables, cleaning and bussing and bringing food and taking orders.
It is always amazing to see her manage a crowd like that, she moves effortlessly from bar to kitchen to dining tables in a smooth and genial stream. Her smile is never forced or fake, it is as natural to her as breathing it is who she is. I missed Kelly, it was good to see her again tonight.
When I first began taking her picture, people looked at me strangely in the Bog, now they all chime in, kid both of us and ask to see the images. Kelly’s smile is beyond her own existence, it radiates out into the world, which is in need of it and more like it.