Now, another chance to do some good for little money and with great reward. You can pre-order an interesting book about animals, support a great independent bookstore, support an author, and get a classy tote-bag free and also get your book personalized and signed by the author. Try doing all that on Amazon.
If you pre-order my new book, Talking To Animals: How We Can Understand Them And They Can Understand Us, all of those good things will happen. You will be supporting Connie Brooks and her independent bookstore, my work as a writer, and I will sign and personalize the books and you will also get a custom-designed classy tote-bag with a photo of the border and the words “sit. stay.read.” See below.
A neat thing for an animal lover who reads books. If you prefer, you can also call the bookstore at 518 677-2515. They take Paypal and major credit cards and are very nice to deal with. Humans can be like that. Check it out here.