Fate has “come up lame,” as the farmers say, we had to carry her down the stairs this morning from our bedroom, where she sleeps in her crate. She can’t put any pressure at all on her right front paw and leg, so she was shut out of the pasture and banned from any running or jumping (not a simple task.)
She will spent most of the next day or so her in a crate, where she will have no choice but to rest. We’ve had some cuts and limping before, we are not taking her to the vet as of now. We are giving her baby aspirin, an anti-inflammatory, and we will see what happens.
Border collies often get paw and leg injuries from the mad racing around they do, each trip to the vet tends to run about $400 and there was nothing much they could do, it’s clearly not broken.
So we’ll skip that option for now, and I don’t think it’s necessary. Most of these border collie injuries heal quickly, but we will keep her from running for awhile. I told her she is lucky to be out of her crate at all.
She was heartbroken to have to sit at the gate and watch the sheep, sitting their piteously with her paw hanging in the air. She’ll get over it.