We went for an early morning walk today with Red (Fate is limping) and I was suddenly reminded of what is so different and wonderful about my life now. All of a sudden, Maria looked down at her feet and announced, “I’m So Purple Today”, and it is true, she is.
I told her that never in my lengthening life has anyone suddenly announced that they are “so purple today,” or any other color, for that matter. It is uniquely Maria. On any given day, she can be just about any color, although rarely one.
I wanted to get a shot of her in all of her purpleness, but she doesn’t ever pose, so I went to my standard back of tricks and told her there was a baby rabbit in need of help by the side of the road.
She turned quickly, then claimed not to be fooled, so I went to my second favorite trick I said something I can’t repeatĀ on a family website, and she not only turned, she gave me one of her very wonderful smiles. That one works every time.
The life of the photographer is not simple or pretty.I love Purple Maria, as I love Maria in all of her many incarnations. I am glad I have lived long enough to hear someone I love say “I’m So Purple Today.”