Every evening, Fate crawls into my lap, and torments me in her pirate way. Sometimes, she grabs my hand and takes it in her mouth. Then I scratch her belly and she falls asleep for a minute or two, and then wakes up and we wrestle some more. We both love this game, I don’t really know why, Fate is very gentle and never harms or scratches me.
I think it is her way of showing affection, perhaps something she did in the litter. We have a good time, I am always laughing, says Maria who took this photo. And this is one of Fate’s favorite, if strange, games. I do not usually ever allow a dog to put their mouth on any part of me, but Fate is quite unique in many ways, she is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had.
I love the idea of her and Maria hanging out with each other all day in Maria’s studio. They just click. Maria says Fate and I have a pirate connection, and I think this is true.
I have my own way of retaliating as you can see in the next photo.