I brought Robin a box of plastic eggs when I saw her last Saturday, and Emma sent me this photo of her banging them together, they are her favorite toy of the moment, she has lots to choose from. Sometimes I think the Creative Gods are up in the sky spinning their magic and showing me the wonder of life, and of death.
As I have been writing about the life and death stories and dramas of the Mansion, there is this new granddaughter, and every other day, these photographs of the beginning of life come to my phone, and I put them on the blog. They uplift people, bring smiles to them, it is a miracle to see a new life progress and learn and change.
It is also a miracle to see others at the other end of life grapple with their lives and search for their own humanity and connection.
It is amazing to me, that these two threads have appeared right in front of me, just at the right time, balancing one another, and reminding us that life and death are not two things, but one thing, and as life ends, so it begins and that is the story of our world.
I appreciate both, I am drawn to capturing both and here they are, right under my nose.
Robin likes her eggs, eating them and banging them together.