At the Mansion Assisted Care Facility, they are waiting for Christy to come home. They believe if she will take care of herself, she will return, and they are full of optimism and hope, as people who work in that field need to be. I felt a bit dour for doubting that Christie will return.
She and I continued our surprising and loving dialogue, she messaging me on Facebook from her hospital room, where she is fresh from an intense medical procedure, still thanking me for coming to see her with Red.
“Hello,” she wrote me this morning. “I read your article and cried. Not tears of sadness but tears of joy. I have never had such nice things said about me. As for Red, I only feel love from him. I not long ago read a little saying, I don’t know the author but it goes like this:
“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not seen an animal, I see a loving being, I see a friend, I feel a soul.”This has stuck with me. I always look into the eyes of the animals to really see them. I am still in the hospital and don’t expect to go home for awhile. Thanks to all the strangers who have sent messages to me (at the Mansion.” God Bless All.”
When I saw Christy Monday, she was in great pain and discomfort, and I am humbled that she found the time and strength to write me and think of Red. Christy has a big heart, and even in pain, a ready smile. I think she and Red saw the same thing in one another.
Christy, if you are reading this today in your hospital room, please know that I very much appreciate you and your generous nature, and I am puzzled and heartsick that no one has ever told you how nice and good you are. I hope you will return to the Mansion, your room is ready and waiting for you.
It sounds to me like it’s up to you, if you are up for taking care of yourself, you can come home. That has a nice ring to it. Everybody there is thinking of you, and wishes you healing and a prompt return. They believe in you. By the way, the new Mansion van is arriving next Tuesday. You can come and visit the farm when you’re ready. Red would love to show off his herding skills.
I appreciate your messages and am struck by this dialogue, a new kind of communication for me. Hope to see you soon.