The thing I would miss about big storms if we didn’t have then was their beauty. Yesterday was one of the fiercest storms I can recall, second only to the storm that greeted me the day I arrived at the first Bedlam Farm in 2003. That one went on for three days and told me I had come to a different place.
The wind makes a blizzard unique and especially beautiful. We tried to keep up with it all day yesterday, but you can’t keep up with 60 mile per hour winds, they just move the snow all over the place. I loved this image of Maria shoveling snow off the porch – for the fifth or sixth time.
It looked beautiful to me, like a painting. The only color that survived the wind was a glimpse of red from the back door. Otherwise, the storm had hidden the colors of the world
Storms are exciting, they challenge us to step out of ourselves and think of the house and animals and birds in our care. They can be disruptive and frightening, and so many people suffer worse than we did from them, but still..there is awful beauty in them.