Sometimes we love an animal the most by letting go. Maria has decided to give Chloe to Treasure Wilkinson, a friend and a passionate animal lover. She feels good about the decision, but is also sad about it, she loves Chloe a lot and the two are attached to one another.
I believe it is good and loving decision.
Today we went over to Treasure’s farm saw her other horse, the barn, the grounds. Maria and I are both convinced that there, she will get the work and attention she needs and deserves. Treasure has visited her many times and loves her, and Chloe loves her back, the two are quite wonderful together.
Maria doesn’t really have the desire or the time to ride Chloe, and she has also gotten extremely busy since Chloe came here. We know that there is nothing sadder than idle horses who can’t get the work and stimulation they need. We are happy to be giving her the life she deserves, no animal can do much better than to belong to Treasure and her partner Donna.
Maria will write about this herself when she can, probably tomorrow, but she isn’t ready yet. I know she felt Chloe needed more work and attention than she could give her, and she came to see that Treasure could provide everything we couldn’t. Treasure and her family are avid and experienced riders, they live near beautiful trails, they have access to two big pastures and Chloe will share her life with one or two horses and some miniature goats.
Every living thing should be fortunate enough to be an animal who belongs to Treasure, they are cosseted and fussed over day and night, and worked and ridden and loved. They get the best hay – we saw it – continuous grooming and their own sheltered stalls.
It’s the right move, I believe. Although Chloe was Maria’s pony, and i was slow to get to know her, we eventually won each other over, and I love starting every day with a kiss on the nose from Chloe. She is a headstrong but very sweet creature, and we will both miss her, but she will also be quite close by and we can visit her whenever we wish.
Treasure will come to get the pony sometime in the next few days. It was a hard and painful decision for Maria, she loves that pony very much, but also a brave and compassionate one. If you can improve the life of an animal, it is a sacred obligation.