Maria has become her long and complex trek back, she is coming home to me and the farm. She sent me this photo from the Mumbai airport, her wi-fi isn’t working there so she can’t yet post to her blog. Last night, she flew to Mumbai, then to New Delhi, and is now in Kolkata.
In a few hours, she will board a plan for Dubai, spend several hours in the airport there, and then take a 12 hour flight to Boston, where she plans to pick up her car and drive home. I urged her to upgrade her coach seat to business class so she could stretch out and sleep more comfortably. She was horrified by the idea, and grumpy when I pushed it, but agreed to think about it.
She has every right to be grumpy after that night.
I also urged her to stay in a motel near Boston tomorrow if she is exhausted, it’s a four hour drive to the farm.
I have a hunch she will charge ahead for home. She’s like that, and doesn’t care to be told what to do.
I’m thinking of everything I can do to prepare for some rest and quiet for her. I’m defrosting the salmon in the freezer, her favorite food.
I did the laundry, the house is clean, the bills are paid, her studio is in good shape. I asked Cassandra to come Monday for the morning chores so that Maria can sleep late and I can take care of her. I watered all the plants, will take the trash to the dump, have stocked the refrigerator with good and fresh food.
I imagine what she will most need tomorrow is just some rest and quiet. She will want to see the donkeys and pony, perhaps take a short walk. And rest, she will need a few days to de-compress and re-charge. I am very happy she is coming home to me. This was exciting, but long enough.