My refugee donation today is a humble bath mat for $12.99.
Lily and Erasto, an immigrant and a refugee, came to Albany, N.Y. several years ago, worked, went to school and became social workers. They wanted to thank you for your generosity and compassion for the newly-arrived refugees. They wanted you to see the mini welcome bags they helped distribute to refugee children entering the Albany school system.
Last week, the Albany City School District held a week-long Newcomer Academy for refugee students during the winter break. The purpose was to help them become familiar with school procedures, teachers and other activities and opportunities.
“Thanks to your Army of Good,” wrote one of the refugee volunteers, “we were able to distribute mini-bags of shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, ball, jump rope, and colored pencils.” Larger welcome bags for refugee children will be distributed in a few weeks, thanks also to your compassion and generosity.
When some hearts turn to stone, the Army Of Good turns to love and empathy. Time to melt some hardening hearts. These people are no threat to you and your family or community. By all accounts, they help invigorate and refresh America.
The refugees coming to our area came here legally, were thoroughly investigated, are eager to work, pay taxes and contribute to our society. They are, to me, part of the life blood and very soul of America, when we slam the doors shut on them, we slam them on us.
We starve our spirits, we close ourselves off to the best of the American experience, a beautiful and flowing stream of safety and opportunity. These donations are who we are.
Abraham Lincoln said that he came to believe that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice. He said to ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s down. My own idea is to fight cruelty with compassion, I believe compassion is more powerful.
You are making an enormous difference in the lives of the newly-arriving refugees when you send donations through the Amazon Gift Page set up by the U.S. Committee On Refugees And Immigration. They have suffered greatly, have lost everything and need everything.
The gifts have been chosen to address their needs, they are inexpensive and essential. You choose your gift, click on the USCRI address mail button and that’s it. Takes a second and pennies to change a life and send a message. Our doors and hearts are open to the weary and oppressed, you are welcome here.
The donations are my daily prayer, today I’m purchasing some bath mats. This is my opportunity to do a bit of good every day.
The refugees are still arriving, and the need is great. They need the basic essentials of life – socks, pots, silverware, school supplies, blankets.
You can visit the gift page here. I thank Eraso and Lily for standing up and showing you what you have done.