Red has his second acupuncture treatment today, Cassandra held him while Dr. Fariello injected about 20 needles. The treatment seems to relax Red, although he is almost always calm. We are working to keep him limber and help his arthritis and blood flow. We have two more treatments scheduled. My vet is open to holistic and alternative approaches, Red has benefited greatly from massage, laser treatment, and hopefully, acupuncture.
I sometimes chuckle at the rush to Chinese medicine for dogs, since they eat dogs there, but I also recognize Chinese healing is old and often extraordinarily effective. They have been doing it a long time.
For various reasons, my border collies have all died before their time, and I am working on a series of preventive medicine approaches to keep him healthy, I’d like to have him around for a long time, and I’m working on that. I like the balance of science and alternative approaches that Dr Fariello offers at her clinic, the Cambridge Veterinary Clinic.
It’s thoughtful and grounded, and so far, it seems to be working. Today, we put Red on a new diet for older dogs, a Purina blend that vets are liking called “Bright Mind.” Fate is still on the Fromm Food although, they no longer advertise on the blog. I like not having any advertisers on the blog, although people tell me I am crazy. But we know that.