We drove by the Mansion to drop some things off for the residents and Madeline, who is 93, was sitting out on the porch, it was a beautiful afternoon. Madeline has been at the Mansion a few months, and has brightened the place considerably, she is active, engaged and fun to be around. I could sense she was in a reflective mood, she enjoyed some quiet time alone with Red, who seems to sense what people want and need. He sat quietly with her for 10 minutes or so.
I am happy to report that the Mansion has raised over $4,000 on the first full day of its gofundme project to help purchase a van to take the Mansion residents to doctors and on field trips, visits to their families and other necessary outings. Without a van, the residents cannot easily go anywhere, and the one the Mansion has is dying.
This is a very encouraging first day for a gofundme project. The Mansion owner, George Scala, is prepared to pay half the cost – $10,000 – and is seeking to raise the other half online. So they need $6,000 more dollars to be able to purchase the van. I am hopeful and excited for them.
“Happy To Help,” wrote Kathie Lehtonen, who donated $25, “enjoy some lovely rides this Spring and stop and get ice cream! That’s what my Mom loved.” The Mansion does, in fact, set out in their van for ice cream on some hot summer days
The Army Of Good is turning out to be mighty, they don’t argue or scream, they just do good. Thank you. You can follow the details here. You can donate here. The big untold story in America is that people are good, given the chance.