After dinner, Red made the rounds to greet his friends. He often sees Mary, on the left, and Barbara raises hell if we don’t get to her. Barbara is a lot of fun, and she speaks her mind.
She wagged a finger at me, and said “you’re in a lot of trouble! Because of you I have 60 letters to read, they are in a big box by my bed.”
Then she smiled and thanked me. She said she reads some of the letters each night before she goes to bed, and it makes her feel like she is part of a family again, she laughs and cries. They mean so much to her, it is hard for her, Barbara says, to believe that that many strangers care about her.
They are not strangers any more, I said, they are family now. You know, she said you are right. They help me to sleep, it is wonderful to get them. If you wish, you can write Barbara and the other residents at 11 S. Union Street, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
The Mansion is preparing a new list for me of the residents, the names change often. One or two residents do not with be named or have their photographs taken or receive messages, so I will leave them off the list, as I have been doing. Exact counts are difficult, I will do my best.
Good response to my not-so-subtle suggestion about Easter, thank you. I am committed to showing these people that there are good people out there who care about them and will not abandon them. They are beginning to believe. I thank the Army of Good.