Artists in cities have always put their art – posters, murals, graffiti – up on urban walls, but not so often in the country. Maria created soe “Show Your Soul” posters, inspired by a goddess in a quilt she recently sold. For me, the poster suggests that it is better to show our souls than to argue and hate.
I think it is a commentary about the divisiveness and anger that has infected our political system and divided us so badly. It is not political in the sense of being an argument or taking sides, it is political in the sense of being a statement that people will have to figure out for themselves. I think it is gift to others.
We went into town and walked five or six blocks along Main Street, Maria had her posters and her staple gun. Art like that gets people to think, because it makes no political statement or argument, rather it asks people to think and to show their true souls.
I was a lovely walk, and we’ll go back to Main Street and some other places tomorrow to put up some posters. When Maria returns from India in a few weeks, she plans to offer some of these posters for sale. She has a lot of requests for them already, but can’t get to it right now.
This is not something we have done before, all the more reason to like doing it.