If you’d like to fight back in a positive way and stand behind our American values, you can help by going to the Amazon gift page set up by the U.S. Committee On Refugees and Immigrants who are seeking to assist the refugee families that arrived in the Albany, N.Y. area before many were banned from seven countries whose people are seeking asylum here and a new life.
I think there is no more powerful message than for these refugees – and the world – to see our true hearts and souls.
Volunteer officials tell me your donations are pouring in and being rushed right out to newly-arriving families in the greatest need. These are inexpensive gifts ranging from $7 to $30. These are good people, women and children mostly, who lost everything, have suffered greatly and have lived on the hope of a new life in America. Some have been in refugee camps for three or four years.
I can tell you they are here legally, they have been thoroughly vetted by four or five different agencies, they are no threat to you or to our country. They have been waiting years to come to America. They are the victims of terrorism, not terrorists. The refugee officials tell me there are a number of new babies coming coming, there is a need for socks and diapers and baby items.
On the gift page, there is also an option of a $20 Amazon gift card, the warehouse is filling up with Amazon boxes, so the card is another option that can save space. The boxes won’t stay long, they are being rushed out to frightened and exhausted newcomers arriving in the United States to an uncertain welcome in the middle of an upstate New York winter.
Many are frightened and bewildered by the government’s recent actions.
These families need everything, pots, pans, silverware, towels, blankets, and, as mentioned, items for baby care. Some of these refugees are participating in an art show to be held in Albany on March 30. Maria and I will be there and will be participating, details to come.
You can be angry or you can live by example and be proud. It is not what others think, it is what you think.
You can argue or use our energy to do good. I believe our better angels are coming to raise an Army of Good and call us to remember what we are truly about. You can help the refugee families here. If you get a message box, you can write in ATTN: Jake. If you can’t, don’t worry. There are Amazon boxes all over the warehouse, more on the way.