My granddaughter Robin and her mother went to Battery Park in New York City this afternoon to protest the government’s neew restrictions on refugees and immigration. Thousands of people marched with her, Robin is getting used to marching, and i suspect that’s a good thing, I imagine Emma will be marching a lot. I love the idea of a new hell-raiser in the family. Robin seems to take all this excitement and everything else in stride.
I am proud of these strong and compassionate women.
An idea for being positive and doing good and feeling good.
If you are sick of dissembling politicians and pompous panelists and various angry people on social media ranting about the left and the right, here is a surefire way for you to feel good: Check out out the U.S. Committee on Refugees and Immigration Amazon gift page, set up to provide aide to the scores of refugees, some from Syria, who made it into the United States before the government slammed the door shut.
I know a good deal about these refugees, most are women and children, they have been exhaustively and repeatedly vested, some for two to four year in refugee camps, they have suffered greatly, lost everything. I will promise you that they are no threat to you, or too your country. I am quite astonished to see all of these tough and tough-talking politicians terrified of these battered women and children.
If you knew these people, you would hardly believe what you are hearing and seeing from our government.
They need towels and plates and blankets and pillows, teapots and silverware and cups and saucers.
They have arrived in America with a very small stipend (much of which they have to pay back in the middle of an upstate New York winter.) They have come straight from refugee camps and have lost everything. If you would like to help them, inexpensively and easily, please check out the Amazon refugee gift page. The gifts range from $6 to $30.
Some of the refugees are presenting an art show in Albany on March 30, Maria and I have been asked to help promote, which we are very happy to do. I will also soon be meeting the family that Maria and I will be helping to mentor. I am glad they got through before the gates slammed. I hope they will one day be reunited with their families.
Skip the arguments and rationalizing. You can just help, it costs little and does much good. They need everything.