Happy Birthday, Maria, you are light and love and color to me.
Every year, on your birthday, I marvel at your great heart, your creativity, your strength.
Every year you are stronger, more creative, more loving.
I have never paid too much attention to birthdays, but yours are revelation to me, they measure not just one life,
but hope and compassion and courage.
It has been the gift of a lifetime to know you, to love you, to see you find your voice and grow and grow.
Your art is shining testament to encouragement and liberation.
In two weeks, you will set off on a great adventure to India, to fulfill your destiny, to grow even stronger, to free the powerful spirits
that have always lived inside of you.
They are free now. Everything about you is good and strong and worthy, I am humbled and grateful
that you have chosen me to be your partner, lover and companion in life. I will work hard to be worthy
So we are off for a day and night together, a celebration of life and the power of feeling.
You keep me steady and full of hope, you remind me of all the good that there is in the world.
in our time, there is a temptation to despair and anger, you remind me that joy is
the opposite of despair.
When I get discouraged, I have only to look at you and think of you.
Happy Birthday to you. You have given me the gift of rebirth and redemption,
you are an inspiration, to me and to others.
Today is your day, it will be full only of things you want to do, eat and see.
All the love there is, Jon