21 January

Poem: Standing With Maria

by Jon Katz
Standing With Maria

Why did I march for the first time in my life

in Glens Falls, N.Y.?

To stand with Maria.

To march with women.

To hope for a better world

To make a point.

For her,

for my daughter,

for my granddaughter,

for the women of the world.

Women have rights,

and it is not for me to choose them.

Women have suffered at the hands of men,

they have made a peaceful revolution,

they are entitled to choose their fate.

To be paid equally.

To control their bodies.

To be given time to care for their children.

I marched to stand with women,

not on them.

For some years now,

I have seem Maria,

this sweet and gifted human,

find her voice, stand

in her truth, speak her mind,

grow stronger every day.

She has found her pride,

and her dignity,

She will never go back,

and woe to the man who

tries to make her,

or step in front of her,

to tell her how she must live.

She is the Electric  Goddess,

sparks come out of her nose,

she will never go back.

It was the gift of a lifetime to stand

alongside of her,

and cheer her and so many other beautiful women along on their

sacred journey



I will never try to stand in her

way, no man, no matter  how powerful

or small, will ever  send her back

to darkness.

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