We have come to love the Bog, we go there at least once a week, Thursdays are usually the nights I take Kelly’s photograph. There are different vibes at different times at the Bog. Sometimes it is frantic, sometimes edgy, sometimes – like tonight – quiet and warm. Kelly is always at the epicenter, she is the grounding point, she is herself no matter what is swirling around her.
If it’s too chaotic she’ll warn us and we can come back later and split. I asked her tonight if she minded my taking her photos – I want to make sure – and she said it was fine, don’t worry about it. At first the regulars were puzzled by my picture taking, now they kid me and her and tonight, Mike and Alicia, who were sitting at the bar, said they’d love to be in the photo, it was fine with Kelly, fine with me.
It’s actually good to see Kelly at the bar, she is the Mother Spider in the Web of Warmth. I love how the people at the Bog have joined into the spirit of the photos, she has many more friends than I will ever have. And they are happy for her to get some recognition, some nights the sense of warmth and community at the Bog is powerful and infectious. It gives much hope.
Thanks to Kelly again, and to Mike and Alicia for a neat portrait of friendship and community.