Maria is like the State Department, she does not comment on ongoing artworks, I am sometimes allowed to come in and look, and sometimes not. I have learned not to make any comments or offer any suggestions, if you think I don’t like advice, you ought to see my wife.
Truth is, I have no advice to give on Maria’s art, I know nothing about fiber art or quilts and I wouldn’t presume to tell her what to do, or even to suggest what to do. It never occurs to me, and I have no interest in commenting on her process of art making.
She has asked me once or twice for my response to something, and quickly rejected my ideas. An artist, like a writer with words, has her own way of creating, and that is the way it should be.
She did show me this new quilt on her Iphone at lunch, and I was excited about it. I didn’t ask her if India was in her head – she has been reading through art books and videos of Indian art, I thought the color patterns were different. But if that is or isn’t so, she will say so herself.
This quilt really caught my eye, it might signal the beginning of the Passage to India, which I imagine will change Maria’s art in many ways – Indian colors are amazing, in art and architecture and life. I think the quilt is not quite finished, you can follow it if you wish on Maria’s blog. I don’t presume to know what’s in her head, but it is almost always exciting.
If she finishes and likes it, I think she’ll offer it for sale later in the week. Officially, there is no comment.