I always had trouble with schools, but animals have always taught me some of the most important lessons in life.
Simon the donkey taught me to open up to life and love and trust.
Orson taught me to to follow my dreams, and take the risks necessary for a meaningful life.
Lenore kept love alive for me, when I thought I had lost it forever.
The New York Carriage Horses taught me that we need to work hard to keep animals in our world, and to reject those who would drive them away from us without understanding them.
Red has brought me to the world of the heart, his generous spirit is infectious, he brought the Christmas spirit to the people at the Mansion.
Frieda taught me about loyalty and faith, and she taught me about patience as well.
Rose taught me about loyalty and the power of dogs to shape and support our lives. I trusted her enough to risk those hard winters at my farm, where I was frightened and alone.
Fate taught me to the meaning of acceptance, animals do not have to fit into our conceptions of them, we can accept them as the powerful spirits that they are.
Izzy brought me to hospice work and helped me understand my own mortality and to to see and comfort people at the edge of life, a mission I still pursue and hope to always pursue.
Lulu and Fanny are sweet and intuitive creatures who have taught me how to listen to animals, and not just talk about them.
Zelda taught me to respect the independence and loyalty of sheep, and Ma showed me what wonderful mothers animals can be. She fought for her twins.
I am learning from these animals every day, they belong with us, we need them and they need us. Here on the farm, Maria and I learn from the animals every day of our lives, we share our lives with them. It is a beautiful thing.