For me, photography helps me see the world anew. My eye changes as the light changes, and as new objects come into view, or I see familiar things in a new and different way. A few weeks ago, Maria found this beautiful old red wicker chair in the barn. We are going to repair the seat and one day, bring it into the farmhouse, I hope to use it as a reading chair. It is pretty old, we think.
It fits beautifully into the old barn, the light hits it differently almost every day, or as we move it around to get to the hay. It has a lot of character and dignity, after the winter, we will figure out how to repair it and restore it.
In the meantime, I almost always want to photograph it. These objects come and go in my imagination, and I return to them often, and then move onto something else. The process is interior, not conscious. I follow what I feel, and what touches me. This chair has a lot to say, and I see it is in the right place. We will do justice to it, I hope to capture the mood it evokes, it is almost a living embodiment of the farm, I can almost see the people sitting in it and rocking back and forth.