One of the first things I did when Red came to us four years ago was to take him to Battenkill Books. He has been there 100 times at least, and took to book events as if he had been born doing it. He goes to visit almost everyone in the store, looking to me for permission and affirmation.
We have a secret communications system of hand signals, nods and stares. He seems to always have known what to do. He goes behind the counter to see Connie Brooks or any of the staffers and then works the store, avoiding people who don’t look at him or respond to him, zeroing in on the people who love dogs and want his attention.
Today, he found Elizabeth Haggerty, a student in my writing class and a newcomer to our town. She came to hear me and Rachel read from our new books. Red is a master book dog and salesman, it is astonishing to me how he has fit into every aspect of my life as if he was born into it. Lucky me. I think he has a pretty good life too, hopefully the one Dr. Karen Thompson had in mind when she sent him to me.