Rachel Barlow is something of a creative hero to me and others. For the past six or seven years, she has worked to build a creative career as a blogger, illustrator, painter and now, book author. She is contributing much joy and beauty and laughter to the world and is beginning to catch fire.
She is selling her paintings, sketches, and now, her books. One step at a time, Rachel never stops creating.
Today, she read from her new work, A Is For All Nighter, a funny and beautifully illustrated look at raising young children. This is a wonderful and inexpensive gift and any young or new parent. Rachel is the author and the illustrator.
I won’t dwell on it because she doesn’t, but Rachel has struggled mighitly for her place in the sun and earned it. She worked through bi-polar depression, the raising of two children, family health troubles and other struggles without complaint or resignation.
She never quit on herself or stopped experimenting or helping other people. You can see her varied work on her popular blog, My Sketchy Life. You can purchase her book via Battenkill Books (518 677 7136) or on Amazon.
Rachel is the real deal. Check out her work.