This kind of cold is especially draining, it affects the body and the mind. This morning, it was so cold it fired up my angina, and I felt it in my chest. Extreme cold does that sometimes, I am getting used to it.
This afternoon, I went out to do the chores and felt fine, although I can’t be out in this cold for more than 10 or 15 minutes, my old frostbite wounds from the first Bedlam Farm fire up.
Maria was upset with me this morning for going out alone to start the chores, but I told her I wasn’t giving up going outside in the winter, we both had to get used to it. I’m not unable to work or do my part, I won’t fall into that routine. I have to come and go. I know it is hard for her, but she has to accept it, as do I. It is nice to be loved and cared for.
I saw Maria in the barn pulling a hay bale down and I had my new 135 mm portrait lens and took a portrait of the cold in the barn, this cold changes matter, you are never really warm. It is part of life here, but winter is asserting itself. Tomorrow it will be 30 degrees warmer, and still just about freezing.
I am getting re-acclimated to the beauty of the winter pasture, and of winter.