Tomorrow, author Rachel Barlow and I are scheduled to do a Meet And Greet/Reading from the Battenkill Bookstore here in Cambridge aimed at Christmas book buyers and anyone else who cares about our work.
Maria and Red are coming to, and I know who the big draws are these days.
People can come and see us or they call call and speak to us directly – 518 677-2515. I am going to read from Talking To Animals: How We Can Understand Them And They Can Understand Us and Rachel will be reading from her newly published and very funny parenting and illustrated book A Is For All Nighter.
Fate, as often happens has intervened. We are in a brutal cold wave and a winter storm alert has been broadcast for Saturday and most all of Sunday – ice, freezing rain, and some snow.
Rachel and I will be at the bookstore, but perhaps not too many others.
Alex Dery Snider, a very gifted writer and a student in my writing class proposed a neat experiment for the program: she is going to help us broadcast our readings from our books (I’ll be reading from a galley) which will be aired on Facebook and maybe, if we can do it, on our blogs.
So anyone can hear us, wherever they are.
It will probably be aired on the Battenkill Bookstore Facebook page, or failing that, my blog or Rachel’s: rachelbarlow.com.
If you want to drop by, we will be there from noon to 2 p.m., but please be careful. And you are free to call between noon and 2 and Rachel and/or I will be happy to talk with you.
Connie is selling Rachel’s book, a great Xmas present for young parents, and she will be taking pre-orders for my book, due out the first week of May, 2017. You can order the book online, or call the store at 518 677 7136. They are shockingly nice.
Talking To Animals is a lifetime project for me, the story of my efforts to learn to talk to animals and listen to them. I will sign and personalize any copies of my book purchased through Battenkill, and so will Rachel.
The bookstore takes major credit cards and Paypal, and there is still time to get books shipped for Christmas. So hopefully you hear from us tomorrow, this is just the kind of experiment writers need to investigate. And your orders will also help a wonderful independent bookstore.
This will be fun.