I’m married to a Bad Ass Babe, and I was delighted to come across my secret artist’s website (where I got the bad ass leggings) to get Maria’s first Christmas present, a small pouch that reads “Bad Ass Babes Club.” Maria has all kinds of pouches and containers that she scavenges, mostly from things I try to throw in the garbage.
Christmas is a loaded issue around here, Maria does not like to get a lot of presents, especially expensive ones, so I have adopted many guerrilla tactics to give her presents at all. Sometimes I sent them anonymously – fooling no one but there is no evidence, and lately, I’ve just been giving them to her quietly in the week or two before Christmas.
This week, we don’t make a big deal out of Christmas or presents, the whole thing is just spread out. I recognize the irony of being married to someone who does not wish to be given anything, but she has to deal with the irony of being married to someone who loves to give presents to the people he loves.
Immoveable object meets immoveable force.
That seems to work. She was delighted with her first Christmas present, she will figure out what to do with it. Maybe she’ll make a Bad Ass Babes Club Tote Bag.