Maria and I went to Brooklyn to see my granddaughter Robin and her parents, Emma and Jay. I have to be honest, it was a lovefest. Robin loved the rattles I brought her and studied me closely and thoughtfully, as if I were a large bird who suddenly landed in her midst.
But she was also very loving, and completely at ease with me, she spent half of the day in my lap, including during the lunch we all had together at some trendy Brooklyn bar and restaurant (my Jewish Pirates tattoo was a big hit among the very hip and you staff, Emma may have been mortified a bit.)
It was a lovefest, pure and simple. It was as if we had known one another for years, she also squealed and giggled a bit, I think she found me completely ridiculous. Emma and Jay are amazing parents, I am deeply impressed at the way they have plunged into parenthood, loving conscientious and informed.
Robin was very different that I experienced her on our last visit, she is holding things, and she has a deep and thoughtful way of considering the world. She sat in my lap at the restaurant while I ate and gave her parents a break, and it was the most natural thing in the world, for me, and I think, for her.
She was transfixed by the rattles I got her, which made all kinds of noises, Robin has this very intensive gaze which she turned upon the rattles, and also on me.
Maria also go into this a big, holding Robin (yes I have photos) and talking with her. It was a great sweet visit. I also made a lightning visit to B & H Photo to explore some lenses, and to my great shock, the staff there waved me off of the $2,000 portrait lens I wanted for months and urged me to consider a Canon 135 mm lens which was less than half the price. With the few hundred dollars I had saved up (with Maria’s help) the new lens cost about $700 a miracle for a Canon L series lens. At B&H they let me take some photos with all three of the lenses I was interested in, and the 135 mm is the lens for me. First photos in the morning, the first was a portrait of Maria at B & H, I’ll put it up shortly.
More tomorrow, I’m wrecked, we got up at 5 a.m. and walked around Brooklyn and Manhattan. I was nervous about buying the lens, but I’m happy about it. And I am delighted about the visit. I feel as if i am really making contact with Robin, and getting to know her, a lot of good feeling. With my daughter as well.
She said she couldn’t wait to take Robin to movies she was too young to see, much as I had done with her. That was good to hear. I made a point of leaving early – parents and fish smell bad after a few hours. It was a wonderful visit all around. I am also happy Maria is big part of this.