We have not come here today to take prisoners,
but to surrender, more deeply than ever,
to love and freedom and dignity.
We are not here to hold ourselves hostage,
from love and connection.
Run quickly, my good friends,
from anyone like to tear a hole
in the sacred, loving vision
of your wonderful soul.
Stand outside of your self,
and the dark voices of the world,
and their conflicts and cruelty,
and scream to the angels,
“please, please, come out
of your cells and dance with me.”
We have not come here to take prisoners,
or conquer the world, but to experience,
in the deepest possible way,
the best of our divine spirits, our divine strength,
our love of freedom and nature,
and light and generosity
of spirit.
We have come to honor the trees,
in their dignity and acceptance,
who stand so tall and proud.
I can see angels singing in your eyes.
(This poem was inspired by Hafiz, thanks to him.)