Pearl died today in Brooklyn, she was euthanized in my daughter Emma’s apartment, she died with her head in Emma’s lap. She was fourteen years old, and her Titanium legs had given out, she was losing weight rapidly and was spent. Pearl was a family affair, I adopted her from a breeder in Vermont after a long and successful breeding career, she was a two-time champion.
She was the sweetest dog I have ever had, and the simplest. I love Pearl, but in some ways, she was too simple for me, I see that my dogs turn out to be complex and challenging. Pearl never caused a moment’s trouble to anyone in the world, she was all about love, and maybe food.
My daughter Emma, writing a book in Brooklyn at the time, fell in love with her and persuaded me to let her take Pearl back to Brooklyn. Emma gave Pearl the best imaginable life, she was exercised several times a day, the two fused very powerfully and when I visited Emma, I was struck by how easily and lovingly the two made a life together. Pearl was so important to me, I know she will miss her dearly.
She went to Brooklyn when Emma needed her more than I did, and she did her work faithfully and with her great big heart.
I have been visiting Emma frequently since Robin’s birth, and I have felt for awhile that Pearl was ready to go. Emma and her vet made the decision last week. It was clear Pearl was hurting, her legs were failing her. It was a good and loving decision. Pearl had many admirers and friends all over Brooklyn.
I wish Emma comfort and healing.
I believe in spirit dogs – Emma doesn’t, I don’t think – and I believe Pearl was one of them. She entered Emma’s life when she was needed, and has moved on, her great work done. I remember Rose leaving when I met Maria, and was no longer alone, Pearl let go when Robin was born, it was time.
Pearl was never happier than when her head was in Emma’s lap, or she was lying on her back getting her belly scratched. Emma never tired of loving her. She never caused a second’s problem.
Emma took this photo of Pearl a day or so ago, Pearl accepted Robin instantly and completely, the photo touched me, it is a tableau of the system of life and death, a life begins, a life ends.
I feel for Emma, she loved Pearl so much, the two simply belonged together in the best possible way. I could not have given Pearl the same love and attention she got in Brooklyn. I am grateful she was given such a good life, she was a dog of the heart, a lifetime dog.
I know many of you followed her life closely, and felt a connection to her, and I thank you for that. This is the story of life, and the story of dogs. If you love them, you will know loss. I hope Emma gets another dog as soon as she feels ready.
Pearl, I wish you godspeed on your journey, I wish you a big sofa, food everywhere, and people on it to hug you and love you every minute of the day and feet your treats, for all time.