My granddaughter Robin decided not to get upset or angry or paranoid about the election, she is still soaking up the mobile I sent her two weeks ago, it seems to inspire her, give her the kind of perspective we adults seem to lack.
When I helped her mother go to Hillary Clinton volunteer headquarters in Brooklyn, I met some lovely people, mostly older women, who gathered around Robin and one of them told me it was a shame babies had to grow up and deal with the adult world.
I knew what she meant, yet I think it’s important to keep my feet on the ground, life happens, and it has never been all downhill for anyone in this world, rich or poor, in my mind. I like looking at Robin’s smile, it is a clear antidote to the stress and anxiety of the modern world. We forget what is truly important, she reminds us of the purity and goodness that we are born with and carry with us through life, if we can only keep our minds open to it.
I hope she grows up in a world of compassion.