The sun was out this morning, and it caught this old barrel in the barn, I am focused on barn art this week. Just in case there was a ghost (I don’t believe in ghosts), I said good morning, and I felt a soft breeze in the barn and some of the hay pieces moved a bit on the floor.
I am focusing on the idea of ghosts and I feel a presence in the barn who seems neither animal nor human to me, I think if him/her/it as a spirit, as a kind of wind or breeze, it is of the air and I imagine her clinging to life inside of the barn – I think she does not ever leave there – sometimes in the hay bales, mostly in the eaves and up on the second floor, which we rarely, if ever see.
Perhaps she is talking to me, perhaps caressing me a bit, I imagine her swirling herself up into the rafters like a whirlpool. I can’t see her in the photo, but this doesn’t mean she is not there.