1 November

Things I Never Used To See, And Now See Quite Often

by Jon Katz
Things I Never Used To See
Things I Never Used To See

For most of my life, I did not once see some pits sitting in a barnyard staring at me, as I started back at them. Now, I see pigs quite often, they are neighbors of mine. I can’t imagine having a pig, they are smart and interesting but tough to keep contained. I don’t know if I could regularly send my farm animals to slaughter – I don’t condemn it or criticize it, I just don’t know if I could do it. Maria, I think, would not want to do it.

But I’ve always wanted to have a big, I just don’t have the patience or resources now to build the kind of pen they would need. I think their facesĀ  have great character and I often stop to look at them on the way to a local market, Yushak’s, where I buy turkey burgers and other good food.

The pigs get excited when they see me, much grunting and sniffing. I love living in a place where I can so often see things I never saw before. It is a good way to keep growing and changing. I like the pig in the center, I think she seems thoughtful.

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