1 November

Rescue Art. Her New Home.

by Jon Katz
Rescue Art
Rescue Art

Saturday, we rescued this still-lfe print with its homemade frame and plastic cover from the town dump.

Something about it touched me and I showed it to Maria who just put it in the car, thanks, Bob, for pointing it out to me.

Maria and I both thought it might belong in the big old barn, and we found a home for it yesterday, Maria hopped up onto the wooden shelf – she is astonishingly agile sometimes – and hung it up there. It is perfect, a still life that looks as comfortable in the old barn as if it grew up there. I think it will stay there, gathering dust, one day many years from now someone will notice it, dust it off and take it to the dump. Maybe someone like me will bring it home again. It is lovely to rescue art from the dump, and so much easier than rescuing a dog.

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